I plan to start Lila's solid food adventures with green veggies, as I did for her sister two years ago. I think it makes sense to start with the less sweet veggies and move to the more palatable ones, rather than do it the other way around. So, for her first green veggie, I selected organic zucchini.
I sliced it, roasted it, pureed it, added some expressed milk to it, and served it up to my little girl. It took her a few tries to figure out how to swallow it, rather than push it out of her mouth, but she seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Here's a quick recipe if you would like to try it.
Ingredients: Zucchini, expressed breast milk or formula
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Line a baking sheet with foil
3. Slice zucchini into even sized pieces
4. Bake until very tender - about 25 minutes for quartered pieces, allow to cool
5. Puree in food processor or blender until very smooth
6. Add milk or formula until desired consistency
7. Use within three days or freeze for up to 3 months
TIP: You can freeze small portions in ice trays. Once frozen, pop the cubes out and store in a freezer bag.
Hey Lisa - I think I'm going to try this with Thomas! Our first adventure with solids (the pedi told us to go ahead at 4 mos) was a disaster. Perhaps he'll have zucchini on his 6-mo birthday, just like your girls!